Friday, March 29, 2019

Suggestions from game design video

  • have technical skill for writing. 
  • learn how a computer works
  • basic coding skill
  • understand art
  • life experience
  • have math skills
  • have basic understanding of myth, etc
  • learn how to take criticism
  • logic and psychology 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Video game Journalist 5

        The video game is called Adam and Eve. It's is a point and click game. You play it on PC and can be found on In the game, you have to help Adam find paradise and meet Eve. The game is apparently set in the prehistoric times and is reminiscent of the Flintstones. It's a 2D game and similar to a side scroll game, but is controlled with the mouse. It's easy and a bit short, but is interesting enough to keep you going. I haven't found any glitches, which means the coding is good or at least debugged.
      The music is relaxing, but can be distracting and can bother others. I leave the music muted. The animation is a bit flat, but the creativity makes you for that. The ending is hilarious (Adam is knocked out by a falling apple, bitten off the branch by the serpent, and Eve drags him away by the foot), and I think there's a sequel. If you click on the something, it will move. If you click on Adam without removing the obstacles are removed, he will grimace or shrug. If you do remove the obstacles, he will run to the next part of the game.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Video Game Journalist 4

      The video game is called Dreams. Its a difference game and mouse only. It can be found on You can play with and without hints, its your choice. I usually play first with the hints and then play it without hints. The differences seem to change each time you play, which adds to the challenge. The story is of a girl and her journey through a dream that she is having during class. The ending is a mesh of the dream and that of the waking world. You could also download the game and get extra scenes.
      The art is beautiful and has a very dream-like feel. I find this game very soothing to play and helps with stress. The music is very appropriate for the game's setting, but I usually keep it off so I don't bother others. The only animation is the effect for when you click on a difference. There's a score board and a counter for the the differences that can be found in the level. It gets harder as you go. I haven't found any glitches so far, but it did freeze at one point, but that might've been the computer and not the website or the game. Overall I definitely recommend this game to others.