Thursday, February 14, 2019

Video Game Journalist 2

      The video game is called Alxemy and can be found on You basically combine elements together to create new elements in order to populate your world from the ground up. It's similar to the Doodle God games. There are eight categories to unlock. They are: natural elements, miscellaneous, sea creatures, plants, reptiles/amphibians, birds, mammals, and insects.
    It's a mouse only puzzle game. There's a helper that gives you hints and an handbook that can give you the combinations if you're stuck. There's not much animation. It makes up the lack of animation with the creativity and the colors. So far I haven't found any glitches. I really enjoy this game and I would definitely recommend it.

  • If you hover the mouse over an object it will give you what it had been combined with. 
  • Click to drag element into the transmutation circle
  • The helper will tell you if you try to combine elements that are the final form of it. 

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