Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Video Game Journalist 1

       The video game is called 'Monst' and it can be found on Kongregate.com. It's a point and click game. It's a side scroll, so the architecture is flat and a bit cartoony. The colors are somewhat subdued and set the tone of the game. In the game you have to help a monster scare his victims by causing a string of chain reactions and actions. There are fourteen levels. For each level you complete you get a medal and can move on to the next one. The scares are very funny and make me laugh every time.
      The animation is very cute and lighthearted.The screen shrinks into a circle like it does in a cartoon and monster winks at you. The puzzles are fun and easy. The man in the safe is a bit strange though. The music is cartoony and reminds me of the Scooby Doo cartoon music. Perhaps the game creator is a fan. I do keep the volume down so I don't bother people. No bugs or glitches, so the coding is done well.  The ending was hilarious. All his victims ends up in his apartment and scares the daylights out of him. Definitely karma.

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